Small Business Branding for Conscious Brands
Why Your Website is Your Most Important Digital Asset (and How to Make It Shine)
Imagine inviting someone over to your house for the first time. You’d want them to feel welcome, right? The same goes for your website.
How to Set Up Anchor Links on Squarespace
You know when you’re on a website, and you click on a link on the page, and then it scrolls to another section on that same page? That’s an anchor link! In this post, I’ll walk you through how to create them on Squarespace.
Why You Need Branding Before You Need a Website
When you’re running a business, the last thing you want to worry about is figuring out the order you should invest your business in. That’s why I’m making it easy for you today and walking you through why you should invest in brand design before web design. I often have people reach out to me for web design before they have proper branding done.
How I Decided to Become a Designer
Today I wanted to get a little bit personal with you. Many of you may not know my story of becoming a designer, but I thought it would be fun to share how I got here! It was a long and windy road, so strap yourself in for the ride. We’re going to go way back and start the journey in childhood.
How to Add a Favicon to Your Squarespace Website
A custom favicon is an important but often overlooked detail on your website. It can make the difference between your site looking DIY version custom built. But wait, what is a favicon? In this post I’ll share what a favicon is, why a favicon is important, how to create one and how to add one to your Squarespace website.
How a Template Remix Actually Works
When it comes to web design, it can be confusing to figure out what the best type of service works for you and your business. Take my own business, for example. I offer both Template Remix sprint services and custom Website Wizardry services as well.
The 5 Most Common Mistakes I Notice on Websites
As a web designer, I spend a lot of time looking at websites. It’s one of those things that I both love and dread doing. Why? Because if a website is amazing, it is such a fun experience. And if it’s bad, well, it’s not. That being said I’ve looked at so many websites over the course of time that I thought I’d share some of the most common mistakes I typically notice on websites.
Is Squarespace, Shopify, or WordPress right for you?
When it comes to building a website, it can be super daunting because there are so many options out there. Should you build a site from scratch or should you use a builder? Or maybe a CMS will be better for you? What about open-source versus a contained system? It can be difficult to discern which option will be right for you and the current stage of your business.
Should You Create a Custom Website or Use a Website Template?
As most of you know, I recently launched website templates. Some of you may be thinking, why on earth would you do that if you offer custom web design? The thing is, custom web design isn't for everyone. I think it's important to keep web design accessible and give people the ability to build a website no matter what.
4 Tips to Make a Website Template NOT Look Like a Template
Are you considering purchasing a website template? Purchasing a template can save you tons of money compared to a custom web design project, but you may feel some reservations about it. How do you make it look like you didn't actually purchase a template?
3 Easy Ways to Update Your Website on Your Own
For those of you that don’t already know, websites are a living breathing part of your business. They’re meant to grow and change with you over time and not meant to stay stagnant. In the following blog post, I’ll share 3 easy ways you can update your website to make it look and feel fresh for your audience as your business evolves over time.
2021 Financial Goals for The Arcoíris Design Co
I’ve been thinking a lot about my business lately and how I want to proceed as a business owner. How can I be as responsible as I want to be in my business? How can I be a true leader and run my business with integrity? So here I am, sharing with openness and transparency about my financial goals and dreams as a business owner in 2021.
5 Reasons to Start Blogging Now
A lot of business owners think that blogging is just something that bloggers do. Now, things are much different. Businesses have come to realize that blogging is a really powerful marketing tool. This is why, if you’re not already, you need to start blogging now.
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Ready to Get Started? ✸ Get in Touch Today ✸ Ready to Get Started? ✸ Get in Touch Today ✸ Ready to Get Started? ✸ Get in Touch Today ✸ Ready to Get Started? ✸ Get in Touch Today ✸ Ready to Get Started? ✸ Get in Touch Today ✸ Ready to Get Started? ✸ Get in Touch Today ✸ Ready to Get Started? ✸ Get in Touch Today ✸ Ready to Get Started? ✸ Get in Touch Today ✸ Ready to Get Started? ✸ Get in Touch Today ✸