Should You Create a Custom Website or Use a Website Template?


As most of you know, I recently launched website templates. Some of you may be thinking, why on earth would you do that if you offer custom web design? The thing is, custom web design isn't for everyone. I think it's important to keep web design accessible and give people the ability to build a website no matter what. In an age where social media is becoming more and more toxic, having a website can give you the space to start taking control over your online presence without relying on algorithms.

That being said, how on earth do you know whether you should go with a custom website or a website template? I'm going to break down the differences between the two offerings so you can decide for yourself what's best for your own business.

When is custom web design right for you?

The Stylist Witch Website Design by The Arcoíris Design Co


You Need Custom Website Functionality

If you're a person that needs robust website functionality, a website template may not be the right option for you. While some templates (like mine) do give you the ability to add in features that aren't built into the template, if you need something super complex to be built on your site, it's important to work with a professional to build that out for you.

For example, let's say you need to build a membership area on your website that is password protected. In that instance, it might be more beneficial to work with a web designer to build it right for you quickly rather than DIYing it yourself and potentially building it wrong.

You Want a Unique Website Layout

Another reason you might be drawn to custom web design is that you want to ensure your website is visually unique. The way templates are built, marketed, and sold means that a lot of different businesses and individuals may end up with the same template as you. And while I preach the customizability of templates to make them super unique, at the end of the day each person with a template is starting with the same base. If you want a unique website experience that is unlike anyone else's, I recommend going with a custom website design instead of a template. Custom web design gives you so much more room to play and explore visually. Anything and everything that you wish to create is possible when you pay for premium, custom web design.

You Want to Strategically Design the Perfect User Journey

Custom web design has a lot of strategy put behind it. Not only do web designers help you visually map out your website, they help draw in your website users to various journeys on your website. If you need to make sure your website converts users into purchasers of your products or services then working with a web designer can greatly increase the odds of that happening.

You're Willing to Take Your Time

Custom web design takes time. My custom projects take anywhere from 6-10 weeks long for a variety of reasons. Not only do I have a whole strategy phase where I come up with the main goals for a website, but I also take my time making sure that the visual elements being incorporated into the site design make sense for the client and their goals. Furthermore, I spend a lot of time site testing to ensure the website both looks great and works beautifully on all kinds of devices. Everything I do in custom web design is intentionally thought through which makes the timeline for these projects longer.

You Have a Higher Budget

Think of web design like buying a car. You can totally get a reliable and amazing car at an affordable price, like a Toyota Corolla. The thing is, if you want a high-end, luxury experience with all the bells and whistles like a Tesla, you're going to have to pay more for it. I personally offer custom packages for all my premium web design clients based on their specific needs and website goals. Typically, my custom web design packages will start at around $5000 and go up from there.

When is a website template right for you?

The Amanda Template by The Arcoíris Design Co

The Amilia Template by The Arcoíris Design Co


A website template is exactly what it sounds like: it's a template that can be used as a base to build a website. They usually are reasonably priced, making them a low-cost option to create a website.

Here are a few reasons a template is a great option:

You Have a Limited Budget

I already mentioned this, but website templates are usually accessibly priced. They tend to cost under $1000, while custom web design can range anywhere from $3000-$100,000. (For example, my custom web design packages start at $5000.) This means if your budget for a website is pretty low, I would recommend starting with a template. This ensures that you honor your budget and also respect the value and expertise of a custom web designer.

You Need Your Website Fast

Custom web design takes time. As I mentioned earlier, my projects typically range anywhere from 6-10 weeks depending on the complexity of the website being built. If you need a website built in under 6 weeks' time, I recommend starting with a website template to streamline the process and ensure efficiency.

You Don't Want to Mess with CSS

The beauty of website templates is they offer you custom website layouts without you having to figure out how to code them yourself. My templates are specifically built with that in mind, ensuring that you don't have to edit the CSS at all, unless you want to. Plus, I'll hand hold you through the entire process of editing any CSS code, that way you don't mess anything up in your new template.



It's important to remember that a website is a vital part of a sustainable online marketing strategy. Websites help take your business off the social media hamster wheel and can assist you in marketing your business in a way that is more supportive and leads to less burnout.

When built correctly, a website can make marketing your business so much easier and generate more customers and revenue. When executed poorly, it can work against you and drive people away from your business.

Whether you are thinking about custom web design or purchasing a website template, just remember that there is no wrong choice. Ultimately, each offering is meant for brands at different stages in their business. All that matters is that you stay true to yourself in the present stage of your business and build your website with intention, no matter which route you move forward with.

Ready To Take Your Website To The Next Level?

I would love to support you on your website journey. You can reach out to me directly to talk about bringing your vision to life for the new year!

Take care and talk soon,


Alex McGinness

Founder & Lead Designer at Arcoíris Design Studio

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