My Top Podcasts for Spiritually-Focused Businesses (2022 Update)


For those of you that don't know, I'm a podcast fiend. I'm constantly listening to them to gather ideas for my business, life and everything in between. Fun fact, before I became a full-time designer I would spend my mornings commuting to my 9-5 job while listening to entrepreneurial podcasts. I thought that by doing that I would motivate myself to take the leap and quit my job...well, that ended up happening anyway and I still listen to entrepreneurial podcasts to this day.

Nowadays my time is a lot more limited, so I don't listen to as many podcasts as I used to. I also don't exclusively listen to entrepreneurial podcasts, which I did before I started my journey. In this post I will be sharing my top 10 podcasts for business. These are specifically geared to business owners who are interested in branding, the spiritual space, the wellness community, feminism and dismantling capitalism. If this sounds like you, get ready to add all these shows to your roster.

This post has been updated to reflect the podcasts that hold a special place in my heart in 2022.

Design & Business Podcasts

Better: The Brand Designer Podcast

This podcast is hands down one of my favorites. As a web designer first, brand designer podcast I have learned so much from Jen Davis and Giselle Field. They cover everything from general advice about pricing in the industry to figuring out when is the right time to invest in your business. One of my favorite episodes in particular is all about brand fonts, which couldn't be more fitting for a design podcast. The show transitioned last year after Giselle tragically passed away in a climbing accident, but I am happy to report that Esther Knox, Jen’s new co-host, has been absolutely amazing. She has brought a new perspective to the show, which I love and appreciate.

I also had the honor of being a guest on the show myself. Check out my episode about using intuition in your design process!

The Futur with Chris Do


My other favorite design podcast is The Futur with Chris Do. This show covers it all, from pricing to interviews with other designers to the mindset it takes to be a successful entrepreneur. The show is not solely focused on design and covers all aspects of entrepreneurship and business, making the listening experience from week to week very interesting. This is one of those podcasts I go through phases with, but always come back to when I'm in a podcast rut because the content itself is always solid and worth the time investment in listening to.

The Twelfth House Podcast by Holisticism

I recently came across Holisticism and their podcasts via recommendations on my Spotify app (my preferred platform for listening to podcasts.) I was drawn in by the beautiful branding on their The Twelfth House Podcast, and was pleasantly surprised to find that the show was just as good as the branding of their podcast cover! The show covers a wide variety of topics in the wellness and woo business spaces which I absolutely love. They also cover business topics that appeal to, what they call, squiggly-brained people (AKA people with ADHD or more creative in nature) such as mindful money, intuition, building community, burnout and more. The show isn’t for everyone, but I personally really enjoy it. I really rate it and recommend checking it out!

Almost 30 Podcast


The Almost 30 Podcast has been a show that I repeatedly come back to over and over again. It’s hosted by Krista Williams and Lindsey Simcik and they cover a wide range of topics on the show that supports the conscious evolution of their listeners. I love the diversity of topics the show covers as well as the variety of different guests the show has as well. There are also over 500+ episodes, which means no matter what time of the year it is, I have a show I can always turn to and listen to. I have gained a lot of life advice from the show as well as business and spiritual advice as well. I highly rate it and hope you check it out for yourself!

Girlboss Radio


I started listening to the Girlboss Radio Podcast when Puno from ilovecreatives took over earlier this year and I have to say, I'm pleasantly surprised. I've enjoyed the wit and humor she's brought into the show and the way she thoughtfully interviews her guests. The show ranges in topics from feminism to LGBTQIA+ issues to entrepreneurship and more. It's a show that I've recently enjoyed listening to a lot and plan on continuing to in the future.

Spiritual & Anti-Capitalist Podcasts

Moonbeaming with Sarah Faith Gottesdeiner


Moonbeaming is hands down my favorite podcast. It's the podcast that when it is on air I am listening to religiously the moment it comes out. Not only does it cover spirituality, the moon and tarot, but it also covers running a business under late-stage capitalism and what it looks like to run it in an anti-capitalist way. I will be the first to tell you that I am a major fan girl of Sarah's—her approach to life, spirituality and business is so refreshing. I absolutely adore her perspective of living on this giant floating ball in the sky, and I think you will too if you decide to check it out.

The Witch Wave with Pam Grossman

The Witch Wave with Pam Grossman is a podcast about witchcraft, and it holds a special place in my heart. You wouldn’t automatically think it’s a show that would inform or impact business, but it honestly does. Witchcraft covers so many different facets of our lives, and for me, it heavily influences my creative practice (which directly affects my creative business!) So, if you’re a lover of witchcraft, like I am, or have an interest in learning more about it this show is a great place to start. Pam makes the practices and ideas she shares really resonant and accessible for a wide audience, making her show the perfect starting place for anyone that is witchcraft-curious.

Natalia Benson the Podcast


Natalia Benson’s podcast has been a staple in my podcast rotation for a few years now! I love how Natalia approaches business and blends creativity, intuition, magical money, and astrology all into one comprehensive podcast. She has some really potent solo episodes as well as beautiful interviews on her show as well. I listen to it all the time and always really enjoy the takeaways I get from her insight. And, luckily enough, I now have the pleasure of supporting Natalia in her business through regular design support. This makes getting to listen to her wisdom even more potent for me and helps me connect with her energetically in an even deeper way.

The Lavendaire Lifestyle with Aileen Xu


For those of you that don’t know, I am a big fan of YouTube. I have been watching YouTube channels regularly and consistently since at least 2008, and have grown to love a lot of the talent that comes from there. Aileen is one of those creators, who built the Lavendaire YouTube channel to over 1+ million subscribers. She also runs a product shop where she sells tools that support creating a mindful life and runs The Lavendaire Lifestyle podcast as well. She covers spiritual topics on the show from astrology to human design and more. She recently has been having guests who speak about the behind-the-scenes of running YouTube channels or being an influencer online as a career. I love the perspective she brings to her platform and how she is bringing unique voices to the podcasting space.

Mindfulness & Leadership Podcasts

Dare to Lead & Unlocking Us with Brene Brown

If you talk to anyone I know, they will tell you that I am a major Brene Brown fan. Her book Rising Strong changed me so much and has brought so much positivity into my life. Dare to Lead is specifically about entrepreneurship and leadership with an emphasis on interviewing and discussing topics relevant to the business space. In contrast, Unlocking Us is a more cultural podcast and covers topics ranging from race relations to how to properly say I'm sorry to someone. I find that both shows offer a lot of wisdom and knowledge that can be applied to the business space. I recommend them both wholeheartedly for those looking to be more mindful in their lives and their businesses.

Wildcard Podcasts

Love & Light Confessionals

Formerly known as Kumbaya Confessionals, The Love & Light Confessionals is a show that everyone in the wellness and woo space should listen to. It covers a wide range of topics including cults, MLMs, toxic influencer culture, veganism and more. As someone who regularly takes on clients from this space, I have learned so much about who I do and don't want to work with through the content shared in this show. Not only that, it has made being a part of the woo community a bit more freeing since I now realize I was not a bad person for feeling off when I was more actively a part of it. If you're a spiritually-minded entrepreneur who regularly works with anyone in the spiritual space, you must listen to this show. If you do, DM me on Instagram so we can talk about it!

The Dream


The final podcast on my list is The Dream. It is an expose about the MLM industry and it does not back down. It covers how MLMs are structured, how they affect the people who choose to be a part of them and so much more. As someone who was briefly a part of an MLM (I sold Young Living Essential Oils when I first became a yoga instructor) I found this show fascinating. I also know through the context of this show that MLMs are predatory businesses and are not businesses I would ever want to work with. If you or someone you know are a part of an MLM, listen to this show and get out of the MLM you're a part of as fast as you can.


Podcasts are a super fun platform to learn information and gain knowledge. As an auditory learner, I love the flexibility they give me when it comes to gathering information and learning. The list of shows I shared is varied and offers a lot of different topics that range throughout the business sphere. Let me know your thoughts if you decide to listen to any of them. I would love to discuss the shows with you in more detail!

Alex McGinness

Founder & Lead Designer at Arcoíris Design Studio

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