Running a Business is a Political Act Part 2

Last January, I wrote an article discussing my views on why running a business is a political act. If you haven’t already read that post, I highly suggest you do before reading this one. You can read it here.

In the wake of the Roe vs Wade reversal last week, I thought it was imperative to bring up this topic again and expand on my original thoughts. I still think business is political, and that hasn’t changed. But even more so than before, I think being a business owner inherently makes you a political person. Especially if you’re a woman*.

Let’s get into it.

What It Means to be a Female* Business Owner

Being a business owner means that you inherently go against the status quo. You are out to create a world of your own choosing, creating a life for yourself on your own terms. Your economic status isn’t tied to an employer and you’re more likely to go against the grain in your decisions and way of living.

As a woman who runs a business, this can manifest in a variety of ways. First, you’re less likely to have children at a young age. You’re also more likely to be educated and free-thinking.

Think about it, for most of history, women were second-class citizens. It literally wasn’t until 100 years ago that women were given the right to vote, be educated, and even work. And it wasn’t until the 1970s that contraception was legalized for all women. The livelihoods we girlbosses have now did not exist for most of human history.

Our female ancestors would be rolling in their graves if they could see the amount of freedom and privilege we have gained in the last century. Many of them would probably have considered us witches.

What the Roe vs. Wade Is Really About

It is clear based on the reversal of Roe vs. Wade that female rights and equality are being challenged. I watched a video on Instagram that succinctly described why this is the case, especially for women, and I’ll link it below so you can watch it:

Politicians are afraid of how mobilized and active we have become. The internet has connected us in ways we never have been before in human history. Not only do we have unprecedented access to information, but we also have unprecedented access to community.

It’s not just women, but all kinds of communities—LGBTQ+ members, black, brown, and indigenous communities, etc. etc.—are working each and every day to create better lives for themselves. This can happen through traditional avenues like activism, or it can happen through nontraditional avenues like choosing to achieve your dreams via running your own business.

Our ability to think for ourselves scares the sh*t out of those who have traditionally been in power (aka the patriarchy.) That is why they are doing everything in their power to dumb us down, keep our attention distracted, and remove our rights one piece of legislation at a time.

It’s the Time of the Witch

I watched another video on Instagram, which described that historically any woman that fought for her autonomy and freedom was labeled a witch. I’ll link it below so you can check it out:

I wholeheartedly agree with the video and the sentiment. I think women now more than ever need to embrace the archetype of the witch, especially those of us that run businesses.

In ancient times, witches were revered and coveted members of society. They were healers and generally helped those around them. They gathered their knowledge from the natural world and held power because of it.

As the rise of the patriarchy took place, so did the demise of the witch. Men feared women who were not subservient, who challenged their control of society, and so men destroyed them. The witch hunts of the 17th century saw a lot of these free-spirited women murdered for nothing more than wanting to be themselves. You could argue the same is taking place today, as the US government makes moves to control women’s autonomy and restrict their lives once more.

Modern witches are people who have a deep connection with the natural cycles of the earth. The moon, the seasons, and the menstrual cycle are all examples. Modern witches imbue divine feminine power and live outside the normal boundaries of society. As female business owners, we are exactly that—women who are different than the status quo. It is up to us to rise up and use our collective power to shift the balance of power away from the patriarchy to something new. It is up to us to stand up for our ways of life before it’s too late and our freedom is taken away.


I believe I am a business owner, a female, and a witch. I am not ok with the actions the US Supreme Court has taken to restrict my choices, and I cannot fathom that future generations will have fewer rights than I do now. It is my commitment to do what I can through my daily choices and business to make a difference toward the betterment of all women. Will you stand up with me? Together, we can change the world for the better.


Head over to the template shop and start creating a website for yourself today.

*Note: When I use the terms woman or female in this post, I am referring to anyone that identifies as female, whether you have a uterus or not. I am not personally a member of the LGBTQ+ movement, so am not as nuanced with the correct terminology to describe y’all as I would like. (I am a proud supporter of LGBTQ+ rights though!) Feel free to leave me a comment or send me a DM on IG with information on how to better represent y’all in this discourse. I appreciate all learning opportunities.

Alex McGinness

Founder & Lead Designer at Arcoíris Design Studio

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